red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and pop!
A lot of things have been inspiring me lately: watching the sun set over the ocean’s horizon, empathetic leadership, Danish “colony gardens” (which are not new), and all the Pride festivities. It’s this last one in particular that is especially inspiring, empowering, and beautiful.
I sometimes call this an “indie” music newsletter, but let’s forget about that for this week.
Burning by Maggie Rogers
As one of my favorite artists (like top five favorite. that’s super serious!), I knew there would come a day when I couldn’t stop myself from sharing a Maggie song, even though she’s no longer indie.
Coloring Outside the Lines by MisterWives
A “living my best life” sort of song.
Bird Set Free by Sia
Raise your hand if this song has made you cry.
Happy listening,
All previous weeks’ songs in this playlist: